Thursday, July 31, 2008

The flexitarians

On the rarest of occasions, I consider becoming a vegetarian. I'm not ethically opposed to eating animals. We've got our incisors for a reason. But I'm starting to buy into the fact that avoiding meat means more energy and less fatigue in my daily life, and that slowing the rate of meat production might also help to slow the heating of the planet. Experts say.

That's why I was drawn to this article which begins with the line-- "There's never been a better time to be a half-assed vegetarian."It's a thought-provoking feature that pertains to the vegan community's ethical dilemma over the consumption of honey, and their altruism in general, but I found this statistic interesting: Thirteen percent of U.S. adults are semi-vegetarians, meaning they eat meat with fewer than half their meals, while only one percent never eat meat. That's a much bigger bandwagon for the half-assed herbivores than I had imagined. Author Michael Pollan summarizes the science of nutrition with three sentences, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

Bad haiku, good advice.


The latest John McCain television ad attempts to denigrate Barack Obama by linking him to vacuous celebrities Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, so imagine if you're Paris Hilton's father and you previously made the largest personal political donation allowable by law to McCain's campaign.


The Chicago Cubs are up for auction, and Mark Cuban is considered a frontrunner among the final five bidders for the team. My money's still on John Canning, Bud Selig's buddy from Milwaukee, but what bugs me about the information in the linked story is the revelation that current Cubs owner Sam Zell also holds a minority stake in the Chicago White Sox. (That whole relationship between the Cubs, White Sox, and Tribune Broadcasting has always confused me.) Major League Baseball prohibits majority ownership in two different teams by any one entity, but it looks the other way on any arrangement short of that. What if minority ownership in one franchise amounts to a larger investment than majority interest in another?


Rush Limbaugh's been hinting that he might want to buy the NFL's St. Louis Rams. I would venture to guess that Limbaugh would not even be the most politically-conservative owner in pro sports, given what we already know about the fraternity. It might also be wrong then to presume him the first drug addict in their ranks.


NBC News just hired Tim Russert's son, Luke, to serve as political correspondent during the upcoming Democratic and Republican National Conventions. Luke recently graduated from Boston University. America is truly the land of opportunity.


Get To Know: Presidential Candidate Barack Obama


At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I believe youth issues will continue to play a significant role during this election and I want to do my part to report them honestly and objectively."

Thank you Luke, what would we have done without ye?

Tabitha "hot ass" Soren covered this ground last century. Could these lil' bastards come up with something new? This is what happens when every kid gets a trophy.


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