Monday, January 28, 2008

Ducks, quacks, and buttocks

President Bush delivers his final State of the Union address tonight at the Capitol. The Huffington Post website referred to it as the "State of the Lame Duck" in a headline this afternoon, but describes a "lame duck" as an outgoing political officeholder who "cannot garner much political support for initiatives." What exactly is it that President Bush desires from our legislative branch of government that he doesn't get?


Salon's King Kauffman had an interesting interview late last week with Will Leitsch, Cardinals fan and one of the most perceptive sports critics on the scene today.


Jose Canseco claims he didn't ask Magglio Ordonez for money in exchange for keeping the Detroit outfielder's name out of his next literary effort "Vindicated," an allegation that was referred to the FBI last week by Major League Baseball officials. What do you think, gang? Does Canseco deserve the same 'innocent until proven guilty' courtesy that the mainstream news media has afforded Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and others?


This is how a powerful agency of our government chooses to spend its time and resource: punishing broadcasters for presenting a woman's "nude buttocks" on network television five fucking years ago. Unbelievable. At least the American Taliban acknowledges inadvertently the buttocks as "a sexual organ." I knew they were having more fun at home than they let on.


This is a really snarky article. I'm as critical of the Iowa caucuses as anyone else, but our social betters on the coasts aren't legally obligated to fall in line every four years and support the candidates of our choosing, and yet they do.


Aaron and I are weighing a road trip to New Orleans for the Jazz and Heritage Festival, held the last weekend of April and the first weekend in May. Who's down?


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