Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What if?

You snooze, you lose, I guess. Each night of the last two weeks, on my drive home from the late shift, I would take note of the Hancock Fabrics store at the 86th street exit of the MacVicar Expressway. One of the main lights was burnt out so the sign read "COCK FABRICS." I always intended to stop and take a picture of it with my cell phone, but from the west, the sign isn't visible until after you've passed the exit, and I would forget, so taking a snapshot always required having to take the next exit and backtracking. Each night, I would tell myself "manana," but my manana never came. Tonight, they've shut the whole sign down.

Gather ye rosebuds while you may,
Old Time is still a-flyin':
And this same flower who smiles today,
To-morrow will be dying.

Robert Herrick


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