Thursday, September 27, 2007

Christ, she did it again!

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton, the de facto Democratic nominee for president, voted with 75 other members of the Senate in passing the Kyl-Lieberman amendment, which states "that it should be the policy of the United States to stop inside Iraq the violent activities and destabilizing influence of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its foreign facilitators such as Lebanese Hezbollah, and its indigenous Iraqi proxies."

What the legislation does is add the Islamic Revolutionary Guard of Iran, the largest branch of the Iranian military, to the United States' list of "foreign terrorist organizations," and it gives Dick Cheney the Congressional cover of "fighting terrorism" that he and the Bush Administration need to launch their long-planned military attack on Iran. Clinton's affirmation in this vote is no different than the one she cast in 2002 authorizing the invasion of Iraq. She's either a traitor to her own rhetoric on the stump about standing up to the Bush Administration, or she's been fooled by our dunce of a president once again. In either case, she stands unfit, unprepared or unqualified to carry the mantle of the nation's chief opposition party in 2008.

Nineteen Democrats voted against the amendment yesterday, along with Independent Bernie Sanders and Republicans Chuck Hagel and Dick Lugar. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama inexplicably didn't vote at all.


Bill Maher, on his HBO show Friday night, about the Senate vote cast last week against

"The Senate actually voted to condemn an ad. That's what your government did yesterday--- they had to pass a resolution to condemn an ad with a pun in it. And then they had Oreos and braided each other's hair.

And twenty two Democrats voted for that, by the way.

The Democrats are so useless they could not even pass a bill to get our troops more time between deployments. Only Republicans could make an argument that a bill that literally supports the troops didn't support the troops, and only the Democrats could lose that argument.

Next week the Democrats are going to vote whether to give Republicans all of their lunch money or just some of it."


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