Monday, August 21, 2006

Go ahead and take it off your calendar now

The Great Pujols is no longer listed as a guest on Letterman for this week on the TV show's website. The Friday show is typically the one show during the week that's shot in advance, and it made perfect sense initially that Albert would be taping the appearance today before the Cardinals begin a three game set against the Mets at Shea Stadium Tuesday. But alas, it was not meant to be.

As consolation, though, catch Chris Elliott Tuesday night. He doesn't have the uncanny ability to turn on an inside fastball and keep it from hooking foul down the left field line, but he's damn funny.

And he has Pujols' hairline.


You may not hear from me again this week. August has proven to be the most hectic month of the year thus far. A friend is getting married on Saturday, and I'm getting my entire 40 hour work week in by 5 o'clock on Thursday.

Also, I need time to digest this.


Thought of the day: Has the best of television become so good that movies can no longer compete? Salon's Heather Havrilesky convinced me.


On-line passage of the day: Salon sportswriter King Kauffman, "Funny headline on Yahoo Sports' baseball front page and on 'Tigers Land Neifi Perez.' Land? How about 'have to settle for?' How about 'with no other apparent options, acquire?' Maybe, 'curse the fates, issue uniform to?' Landing Neifi Perez is like landing the flu."


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